Happy Birthday
My Sweet Mer-Mer!!
I really can NOT believe that my first born has just turned 10 Years Old!!! I am so sad at how fast the time is flying by us, it really is crazy to think that I have a 10 year old!! But I couldn't be more proud of her and all that she has become in her short little life...She is the BEST DAUGHTER, always has been soo sweet and caring. She is funny and bright and has the greatest smile that is so contagious!! She is a great friend to many and has always been very sensitive towards others. She loves music, White Lime frozen yogurt, white chocolate, milk duds, coloring amazing pictures, playing with her BFF Natalie, (who conveniently lives right across the street), shopping, pedicures, "date nights" with her Good Ol' Dad, baking with her Mom and being a great Older "Sissy" to her brother and sister! She is also very creative and has actually started her own business this year called Flower Power Notebooks & Journals, she started selling them on Ebay and was very successful, Now she has her very own storefront where she sells them on Etsy!! She is an amazing, beautiful girl whom we love so much!!
We hope you have an Awesome Birthday Mer-Mer...
happy Birthday Mer Mer!!! We love you and miss you! HOpefully we can see you soon. I hope you had a great birthday!!!
Merrick happy happy birthday! are you really ten years old? i remember when you were just a little bug walking around with a cast! hope you had a great day! i love and miss you!
Yeah for Mer Mer! Big 1-0 Birthday girl! We love you and hope we can see you soon! Have a great birthday sweet girl! We'll be thinking of you!
I too can't believe my little Mer Mer is 10 years old! She was my little baby girl back in Boston on that beautiful October morning! I still remember seeing her for the first time and thinking what an absolutely "GORGEOUS" little girl she was.........and STILL is!! Happy, happy birthday, my sweetheart! I love you sooo much and am so proud of you!!! x0x0x0x0x0x0x0
Happy Birthday, Merrick! Hope you had a lot of cake and presents. Can't wait to see your smiling face next time.
Wow, Jen I can NOT believe she's 10 yrs old either!!! Happy Bday Mer! Loveyou
happy birthday!Mer mer you are so pretty.I love you Love your cousin Maddie
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